Creative Thinking: From the pits to the peak
But — if you have done something about your psychological situation — you are able to discover a little indentation in the “wall” and you dare to put your foot on it. Thus do you find yourself at a slightly higher level. Here things don’t look as desperate as before, but you are still unhappy with your life, dissatisfied with your achievements, with your personal situation, with the environment you live in. Oftentimes you cannot understand why you feel this way because you realize that you are not lacking the main requirements for a decent kind of life. Yet, there is something “missing”. This is a very common state of being, as most human beings don’t take the time to examine themselves, their priorities, their goals, their actual needs.
If you are determined to improve the quality of your life, you don’t give up and keep going. You now succeed in climbing a bit higher. You are almost at the top, close to the rim. At this point you may experience one of these feelings: Contentment, restlessness or boredom. You may perceive yourself contented with what you have, you know you can succeed in life, you are satisfied with what you have achieved so far and are ready to continue the final part of your climbing.
On the other hand, you may feel restless because you are fed up with making the effort of climbing, it seems that you are never going to reach the top. You become impatient, you may even start doubting your actual capabilities
for success. You see yourself dissatisfied with your work, you try other venues, feel the need of something new, different, you dream of a change, but you have no clear ideas about it. Feeling bored, with no enthusiasm about anything, shuffling along in a listless, dull kind of existence could be another possible way of living. Those who choose this path, unfortunately, are not a minority.
The next, higher stage is at the top of the well. You have reached it and you feel happy, fulfilled. You are enthusiastic, you believe you can conquer the world, achieve anything you want because you know your worth. You know you made it and believe you can move beyond the horizon, if you choose to. You start a new project and carry it out, you begin a new enterprise and make it a success. You are full of ideas and pursue them. You feel a winner and behave as such.
If you are ready to climb even higher, you might be able to metaphorically “detach” your feet from the ground and reach a state of total elation, where you live in a condition of continuous delight, a sort of exhilaration for just being alive, where nothing bothers you, where you love everything and everybody. You have grasped to deepest meaning of what being “human and humane” really means and… you are the perfect “human being”!
Too difficult, you say? Maybe. So far it might be enough to enjoy the previous state, where you feel reasonably fulfilled and happy with what you have. Improvement is always possible and, if you are motivated enough, you can always find “stuff” to learn from. This is what we are trying to do here, with our “Creative Thinking.”
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